ICFadvance2016Great people, plenty of thought-provoking content, deep personal growth – a total ‘geek-fest’!

Last week I attended the “Science of Coaching” conference hosted by the International Coach Federation – the membership organization that manages coach credentialing and has designated me a Master Certified Coach (MCC) for the last 9 years (and the next 3, as well). For me, the coach, this was he epitome of personal AND professional development. Loved it!

Sure there were things about the conference that could’ve been better. That is, more relevant for particularly me. But as I’m sure you already know, the value derived from a conference largely depends on your intentions. Want to hate it? It’ll be there for you. Want to love it? Same. The choice, as we say, IS a choice!

So I chose to embrace its potential. (How very coach-like of me, right?!) And I profoundly benefited.

Great People

The conference sold-out quickly, and coaches from all over the world – from 17 different countries, I think someone said – attended the event in Tempe, Arizona. (Kudos to The Marriott at The Buttes – a truly stunning venue.)  I got to meet, and speak with, colleagues from the North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. All so different, yet strikingly similar. I even got to meet my own coach for the very first time! (We’ve been working, by phone, for the last 3½ years, but had never actually met, in person, before.)

Plenty of Thought-Provoking Content

There were three main content areas of the conference:

  1. coaching presence
  2. creating awareness
  3. team coaching

Ironically, I haven’t yet sat down to review my notes, yet – I pretty much filled an entire spiral notebook. Nor have I reviewed the dozens of photos I snapped to capture the more salient PowerPoint slides I saw. But that will all happen soon enough. Suffice it to say, though, that since I’ve been back, every single coaching conversation I’ve had so far has been somehow enriched or informed by a reference to what I learned while in Tempe. And I suspect that will continue for the foreseeable future.

Attending the conference also afforded me the opportunity to earn more than 35% of the continuing education credits I need for my next MCC renewal (in 2019), which was an added bonus and makes perfect sense!

Deep Personal Growth

Yes. Deep. Personal. Growth. Curious? Just ask. I’m happy to share and discuss in a more private forum. (Hey, the Internet doesn’t need to know EVERYTHING, alright?!)

What About YOU?!

Have you you attended a professional development seminar yet this year? What relevance did have to your personal development, as well? Not much, you say? The value derived from a conference largely DOES depends on your intentions, now, doesn’t it?!

2 thoughts on “Geeking-Out As A Coach”

  1. Thanks, Barry, for providing some details about the conference and how you gained from it. Too few people take the time to report back on conferences the rest of us could not attend.

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