Impact Competencies

Image Source: Pixabay

Ever been in a meeting where you raised what you thought was a really powerful objection to something and everyone else in the room roundly dismissed it as off-point?

Ever been in a meeting where someone else raised what you thought was a totally irrelevant objection to something and everyone else in the room roundly hailed it as amazingly spot-on and insightful?

What’s that all about, actually?!

Here’s Your Assignment

Look for this dynamic – when comments are validated or not – and see what you can glean from what you see.

Find the patterns.

  • Compare and contrast who gets listened to … and who really doesn’t
  • Compare and contrast how they say things … their tone, their rate of speech, their affect, etc.
  • Compare and contrast any key words they use that seem to engender, or dilute, the support of others
  • Compare and contrast what’s said immediately before they comment
  • Compare and contrast what preparatory work they have/have not done on the topic

From this exercise, develop a list of Impact Competencies – that which helps people get listened to.


Original Source: GottaGettaBlog! (January 2009)

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