Hush!! Simply put, when you don’t have anything meaningful to say…just be quiet. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Hush!! Simply put, when you don’t have anything meaningful to say…just be quiet. And that’s all I have to say about that.
Synergy versus Leverage I got into an interesting conversation about distinctions, recently. Specifically, it was about the difference between ‘synergy’ and ‘leverage’. Here’s what we concluded: Synergy is the idea that 1 + 1 > 2. In other words, when you’re working with someone on something at work, at home, at school, or wherever, the
Counterintuitive Thoughts and Paradoxes There’s nothing like a good paradox or counterintuitive thought to help stimulate someone’s thinking (and leadership growth). So here are five of my favorites: Who DOESN’T Love a Good Paradox?! Goodness, there are so many more I could share! (And maybe I will in an upcoming post.) The beauty of a
Types of Intelligence There’s an interesting 9 minute video over at It’s titled, “There are 8 classes of intelligence. Which are you?“ The Description: Although the title says there are 8 classes of intelligence, as you’ll hear, developmental psychologist Dr. Howard Gardner, actually discusses the whys and wherefores of 10 of them: linguistic intelligence
Getting a Seat at the Table No doubt you attend more meetings than you probably care to. And no doubt, many of those meetings aren’t always the best use of your time. So, to suggest that there are some meetings that you’d actually want to attend must seem pretty absurd. But it’s not. Types of
Impact Competencies Ever been in a meeting where you raised what you thought was a really powerful objection to something and everyone else in the room roundly dismissed it as off-point? Ever been in a meeting where someone else raised what you thought was a totally irrelevant objection to something and everyone else in the