Too early to think ahead – and properly plan and prepare? Nope.
So what IS ahead?
Well, according to APQC (American Productivity and Quality Center) – and their “Training & Development Trends” report – there are some interesting (if not expected) predictions about employer needs in 2020:
- 70% of organizations will want their employees to have greater soft-skills competence
- 65% of organizations will find that a leadership skills shortage will significantly hinder their business growth
- MOOCs?! (In case you were wondering, MOOCs are “Massive Open Online Courses” – a kind of web-based, come-one/come-all learning.)
What’s That Mean for You in 2016?
The simple answer is this: You now know that you have a four year head-start in becoming irrefutably relevant to your employer.
How? By diligently improving your soft-skill and leadership competencies so there’s no doubt that you are precisely the type of executive they need most.
Sure, you can wait, but then you’ll just be like most everyone else – and that’s not much of a way to distinguish yourself, now, is it?!