GottaGettaCoach!®, Inc.

2000-2011 – Those Early Days…

From July 2000 through December 2011, I did my coaching and mentoring under the company name of GottaGettaCoach!

Why? Because back when people were first learning about professional coaching – and realized it likely could help them and WASN’T therapy – their self-talk sounded something like, “You know, I think I gotta getta coach!”

So, off they’d go to the Internet to search for one. And what company consistently showed up on Page One of Google’s organic listings for “life coaching” and “management coaching” and “executive coaching” and “career coaching”, and the like? Yes, you got it – “GottaGettaCoach!”

What typically happened next was both wonderful and hilarious. Prospects would call me and the very first thing they’d say was – and I’m quoting verbatim, here – “Hi, I’m calling because I gotta getta coach!”! Well, I’d reply, you called the right place! And off we went.

Admittedly, prospecting was much easier back then. Professional coaching was a very new thing and there were only a relatively small number of coaches out there. Now, I was not part of the original group of what we might call modern-day coaches, but I recognized the potential of coaching pretty early on and joined their ranks soon afterwards. In fact, an Early Adopter, myself, I was personally trained and mentored by many of those in that initial group. Looking back, it was quite a special time, both personally and professionally.

So, for many years, my business development was fairly straightforward: I did what I could to keep my search engine rankings high, further bolstered my visibility by becoming an often-quoted subject matter expert in various print, and online magazines, newspapers, and newsletters (see “Who IS Barry Zweibel,” for more on this), and became a trusted connection for clients to recommend to others in their personal and professional networks.

Seemed a LOT of people were saying, “I gotta getta coach!”

2011-2022 – As Time Progressed…

But as coaching increased in popularity, literally thousands of people flooded the field and started calling themselves coaches. Around that same time, Google dramatically changed its search engine algorithms. So, not only did I lose my Page One listings, but now there were others gaining the on- and off-line visibility that I once enjoyed.

There was another development, as well: The ways that potential clients and prospects were thinking about coaching also changed.

Rather than being motivated by the “I gotta getta coach” self-talk, they became far more interested in what coaching could do for them. This was especially true in the corporate coaching realm. As such, the name, “GottaGettaCoach!,” was no longer having the same impact as before.

LeadershipTraction® | Professional Coaching & Mentoring

So, in 2011 – a little more than a decade after I started my practice, I decided to rebrand the company to be more relevant to what leaders, in particular, hoped to gain from being coached…that is, more leadership traction. Hence the new name, LeadershipTraction® and where we are today.

2023 – Post Script…

It’s been another decade-plus, since then, and I’m now shifting, again. This time, though, it’s about winding down my coaching practice and heading into retirement. Make no mistake, it’s been a fabulous ride, but time waits for no one, as they say.

From the very beginning, my Vision was to help leaders, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and people of all variety, achieve 3-5 years of personal and professional growth in a fraction of the time – starting with our very first conversation and continuing on past our very last conversation.

I feel I’ve achieved that.

I also feel I’ve been able to stay true to my Core Values, throughout, which have been to consistently:

  • Adhere to the highest of Ethical Standards at all times
  • Have a bias toward Making a Meaningful Difference
  • Coach as Powerfully, and Masterfully, as possible
  • Challenge, Support, Respect, and Regard
  • Seek, Learn, Grow, Share
  • Helping smart, capable people increase their leadership traction

Much gratitude, and thanks, to ALL who’ve helped me make a go out of what was this crazy idea of jettisoning my corporate career to become a full-time coach and mentor.

I am so very grateful.


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