Types of Intelligence

Image Source: Pixabay

There’s an interesting 9 minute video over at BigThink.com. It’s titled, “There are 8 classes of intelligence. Which are you?

The Description:

Although the title says there are 8 classes of intelligence, as you’ll hear, developmental psychologist Dr. Howard Gardner, actually discusses the whys and wherefores of 10 of them:

  1. linguistic intelligence – our capacity to use language
  2. logical/mathematical intelligence – our capacity to use logic and analysis
  3. musical intelligence – our capacity to create or enjoy music
  4. spatial intelligence – our capacity to handle and work in space that’s close by
  5. bodily/kinesthetic intelligence – our capacity to engage our bodies to solve problems or do or make things
  6. interpersonal intelligence – our capacity to engage with, and understand, other people
  7. intrapersonal intelligence – our capacity to to engage with, and understand, ourselves
  8. naturalist intelligence – our capacity to make important distinctions in the world around us
  9. pedagogical intelligence – our capacity to to teach others
  10. existential intelligence – our capacity to ask (and try to answer) the bigger philosophical questions

The Link:

I was going to embed the video into this post, but apparently BigThink frowns upon such things and considers that a violation of its Intellectual Property Rights – which I acknowledge and respect.

So, instead, here’s a link – https://bigthink.com/the-well/classes-of-intelligence/ – which I encourage you to follow.


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