The Venn of Executive Excellence™, per LeadershipTraction®

The Basic Elements of the Venn of Executive Excellence

• The WORK You Do ⇝

How directly you’re involved in higher-impact/higher-visibility projects and assignments that showcase your skills, interests, abilities, fit, and personal/professional readiness for increasing recognition and responsibility.

• The APPROACH You Take ⇝

How responsibly you demonstrate your executive presence, personal power, confidence, poise-under-pressure, conflict and negotiation skills, self-efficacy, and overall respect and regard for those you work with and for inside and out of the organization you serve.

• The IMPACT You Have ⇝

How your ability to engage and communicate clearly, crisply, compellingly, insightfully, and naturally across all formal and informal circumstances and settings affects the short- and long-term outcomes and results that you, and all those around you, can achieve.

The Overlapping Elements of the Venn of Executive Excellence

• The HOW of Your WHAT ⇝

In the overlap of the WORK You Do and the APPROACH You Take is where the quality and quantity of the work completed, is demonstrated…or not.

• The WHY of Your HOW ⇝

In the overlap of the APPROACH You Take and the IMPACT You Have is where the bridges you build (or burn) with the people you work with, and for, become apparent…or not.

• The WHAT of Your WHY ⇝

In the overlap of the IMPACT You Have and the WORK You Do is where you (and those in your chain of command) make better things happen sooner, more regularly, and more consistently…or not.

The Core of the Venn of Executive Excellence

At the Core of the Venn of Executive Excellence – in the overlap of the WORK You Do, the APPROACH You Take, and the IMPACT You Have (and the HOW of Your WHAT, the WHY of Your HOW, and the WHAT of Your WHY) – is where true leadership traction is most easily created.

And this is precisely what LeadershipTraction® is all about: Helping you become a better leader – sooner, more easily, and more in keeping with who you already are as a caring, motivated, and responsible human being – so you can lead more confidently and capably, without all that incessant ‘second-guessing-yourself’ thing you probably do!!

It’s Your Move

The challenge – and opportunity – is this: As you go through your daily routines, try keeping this in mind and see if it doesn’t help you start thinking differently about the choices you’re considering and the decisions you’re making. See if it doesn’t help you become a better leader – sooner, more easily, and more in keeping with that caring, motivated, and responsible human being you already are.

I, for one, suspect it will.

And if you need any assistance with it, just let me know.

LeadershipTraction® | Professional Coaching and Mentoring

Become a More Confident, Capable, Credible Leader.

If you think a brief conversation about your leadership development needs – or those of others in your organization – could be useful, call or connect to coordinate calendars.

"Improve your skills. Find your voice. Build your reputation. Make good things happen sooner."
- Barry Zweibel, MCC-Master Certified Coach and Mentor

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